Compatible with iOS 7, 8, 9 and 10

InstaTools makes many things that Instagram unable to do came true. You know you’ve never felt anything like it.

‧ Long press photo to zoom.
‧ Add "Save" & "Share" button on action bar.
‧ Add "Save" & "Share" button on Instagram Stories.
‧ Share photos or videos with caption.
‧ Save high-quality photo or videos.
‧ Able to save photos or videos to specified album.
‧ Remove sponsored Ads.
‧ Show user accounts & name on main feed.
‧ Covert Post Time to Date.
‧ Show follow status on profile.
‧ Long press user profile pic to zoom in & save.
‧ Long press to save or share media content on DM.
‧ Long press post caption able to copy and share or translate.
‧ Switch to classic icon.
‧ Switch List/Grid Layout.
‧ Remove Instagram Stories 24 hours limit while selecting media from gallery.

Please keep looking forward to adding more useful features, and your idea and support are definitely welcome!

‧ 長按照片可進行縮放
‧ 功能列增加「儲存」、「分享」按鈕
‧ 限時動態增加「儲存」、「分享」按鈕
‧ 儲存高品質照片或影片
‧ 分享圖片或影片與內文
‧ 儲存圖片或影片到指定的相簿中
‧ 顯示貼文者的帳號與名稱
‧ 轉換貼文的時間為日期樣式
‧ 在使用者主頁顯示追蹤狀態
‧ 移除廣告
‧ 長按使用者主頁頭像可進行縮放與儲存
‧ 在訊息功能中,長按圖片或影片可進行儲存或分享
‧ 長按貼文內容可進行分享、複製與翻譯
‧ 切換為傳統圖標
‧ 長按使用者主頁頭像可進行縮放與儲存
‧ 切換列表/格欄排列
‧ 移除限時動態從相簿選取照片時須為24小時內的限制

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

Sorry to keep you all waiting so long. Due to recent heavy workload, update of InstaTools was postponed. So far, the problem of follow status hasn't been fixed yet, so I disabled this function. Except for this, others support the latest Instagram version. Thank you.
• Support for Instagram v10.26
Updated June 22, 2017
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