Activator Haptic Feedback Listener - trigger Haptic Feedback while using Activator Events

Compatibility - iOS 13 and above

This tweak adds following Activator listeners:
- Haptic Feedback
- - Impact - 1 - Light (Trigger native 'Impact' haptic feedback)
- - Impact - 2 - Medium (Trigger native 'Impact' haptic feedback)
- - Impact - 3 - Heavy (Trigger native 'Impact' haptic feedback)
- - Impact - 4 - Rigid (Trigger native 'Impact' haptic feedback)
- - Impact - 5 - soft (Trigger native 'Impact' haptic feedback)
- - Notification - 1 - success (Trigger native 'Notification' haptic feedback)
- - Notification - 2 - warning (Trigger native 'Notification' haptic feedback)
- - Notification - 3 - Failure (Trigger native 'Notification' haptic feedback)
- - Selection (Trigger native 'Selection' haptic feedback)

This tweak is open sourced on Github

Configure events using Activator

No Screenshots for this item

Cleaned up code,
Restricted installation to devices that support Haptic Feedback
Updated December 11, 2020
License Free Package
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