Compatible with iOS 9, 10 and 11

A [free] [lite] version of AE+ Airplane Enhancer+
Our gift to the r/Jailbreak community, and all jaibreakers the world around!

Enhance your Airplane Mode experience! Check r/AirplaneEnhancer for more info...

This tweak allows you to keep your iPhone on Airplane Mode for 55 minutes and off for 5 (repeating). Or Airplane Enhancer on and scheduled via Activator. To disable Airplane Mode, simply open a System App

Example of use:
Disable Airplane Mode for 5 minutes.
Activate Airplane Mode for 55 minutes. (Or schedule via Activator)

This will allow you to receive notifications once per hour.

Suggest leaving wifi and cellular data activated.

Note Bold: Airplane Mode is similar to having your device turned off, you won't be notified of missed calls (unless you receive a voicemail)

Configure options from settings.


Quick update for iOS 11 compatibility..

iOS 9 - 11.3.1 is now supported.

Remember AE+ has been updated for iOS 11 too..
Updated October 15, 2018
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