This library contains the basic utilities needed to build many tweaks.

- Light weight color picker
- Basic color manipulation tools (Hex conversions, check if color is bright)

* Hex conversions
* If color is bright
- Basic image tools
* Average color of image
* Creating image from color
* Change scale of an image
* Change color of entire image

Useful Preference Loader Cells
- PSColorCell
- PSCustomSwitchCell

Source code: on Github

This is a developer library.

No icons added to the homescreen.

Version 1.4
- Minor fixes
- Recent colors selected (works across tweaks too)

Version 1.3-2
- Added minor fixes to overlooked issues

Version 1.3-1
- Includes better tweak preferences
- Added methods to extract float, int, color from preferences easily

Version 1.2
- Bringing you Copy and Paste for colors
- Minor animations to overall increase user experience

- Added more functionality like color info from images (useful for adaptive features of a tweak)
Updated September 13, 2018
License Free Package
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